Dipl.-Ing. Michael Herrmann
February 14, 2023
Team Leader Development Metal Rubber Parts
Development Engineer for Shock and Vibration Insulating Elements
Phoenix P3S - Lean Manufacturing (Kaizen, Kanban, 5S, Muda...)
Product development and series support of shock and vibration insulating elements
for vehicle construction (passenger car and commercial vehicle industry)
FMEA - Database system - Implementation of the FMEA database expert system within
of the parent company Phoenix AG and its subsidiaries
Development - Database Expert system for the development of vibration-isolating parts for
Vehicle construction in the powertrain - engine, transmission, exhaust systems, brakes, axle suspension
1. suspension bearings
2. Complete control arms VA/HA (longitudinal/lateral control arms)
3. Shock absorbers
4. Air suspension systems
5. Hydro mounts
6. Engine mounts
7. Suspensions for exhaust systems
8. Suspensions for axles
9. Suspensions for brake lines
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