Dipl.-Ing. Michael Herrmann
February 14, 2023
Task Force
Task Force / Risk Management => Resident at ELDOR GROUP in Orsenigo - Italy
PPE - IPB - Integrated Powerbox (Risk / Process / Potential / Supplier Management)
Resident for Porsche AG & Audi AG at the company ELDOR GROUP in Orsenigo - Italy
from 04/2020 to 08/2020 - Project PPE-IPB 11kW/22kW (SOP 2022 - MACAN / Q5)
Resident for the development / purchasing / test / quality planning activities of Porsche AG.
Assignment via Task Force Management of PAG in advance for the B construction stages (B0, B0.9, B1)
Industrialisation / process optimisation & stabilisation / supplier management / module build-
test plan / supply plan components => B1 Design Review - Quality - Validation
Reporting - Daily & Weekly Report - Team & Management Summary Report weekly
Extension beyond the C-part phase as an option
PPE Platform - Integrated Powerbox for VW Group with the functions:
1.) AC-Charging
2.) CPCD
3.) DC/DC Converter
4.) HV- Water Heater
5.) PreCharge function
6.) Softstart
7.) Active Snubber
Electric motors, E-gearboxes, E-axles, HV battery systems, Inverters, HV wiring harnesses.
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Etiam volutpat ligula nec orci egestas, at porta massa tempor. Proin rutrum, purus in convallis pharetra, risus leo sagittis.